Welcome to DIVERHSE

Image for Welcome to DIVERHSE

DIVERHSE was created as a forum for health professionals, non-governmental organisations, policy makers and academics to share their expertise and good practice in developing and evaluating interventions to address violence against women and children in a variety of health care settings.

DIVERHSE was created in January 2012 as part of a larger project supported by the European Commission’s Daphne III Programme 2007-2013 to Prevent and Combat Violence Against Children, Young People and Women. The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (Gender Violence and Health Centre) worked partners in seven European countries to explore and compare promising domestic violence intervention models in primary and maternity health care settings.

Domestic violence against women is common, hidden and has significant health and resource implications. Primary and maternity healthcare settings are opportune points of intervention; involving awareness raising training for health professionals, identification of patients affected by abuse and care pathways.

In Europe, many innovative intervention models are emerging. They are complex and are situated in diverse contexts.  There is much to be learned by sharing information on the challenges and successes of implementing and sustaining interventions in health care settings, as well as the outcomes for the intended recipients. DIVERHSE provides a European forum for:

  • Linking researchers, educators, practitioners and activist organisations who work in the area of violence against women and children in relation to health and health care interventions
  • Disseminating research on health sector interventions that address violence against women and children
  • Sharing good practice and resources materials for interventions
  • Stimulating ideas for collaborative research
  • Disseminating information on conferences and funding opportunities